
Posts Tagged ‘mann nance’

First 60 Days!

In Beauty, Film Crew, Freelance Hair Stylist, Hair Care, Hair Stylist, Harlem, Make-up Artist, Mandrill Hardge, New York, NYC, Production Set, The O Experience NYC Salon on August 1, 2013 at 4:48 am

So I made it through my first 60 days as a NYC resident. WHOO HOO!!!

This time has been amazing to say the least. From the much needed vacation till my first celebrity photo shoot. WOW is all I can say!

Lets start with the beginning. I arrived here in Harlem with anticipation of just mad craze, but I experienced kind and resourceful neighbors who were eager to guide me. I purchased a Metro Card with unlimited weekly rides and off into the concrete jungle I went. It was quite easy to maneuver through especially with the aid of Google Maps…lol. I have experienced just about every area of interest that there is with the exception of going over to the Statue of Liberty and going to her head!!

Im here for roughly 48hrs and I receive a call from celebrity photographer James Anthony about an upcoming shoot that he is doing for Upscale Magazine to feature the rapper EVE. Talk about honored and excited…yeah buddy!! So we arrive and get set up and in walks EVE. She is gorgeous, fun and engaging. Very easy to work with and extremely down to earth and pleasant.

Before the move, I had already confirmed that I would be working with celebrity hair stylist Brian C. Hawkins on the upcoming Full Figured Fashion Week here in NY. What an amazing event that turned out to be. I might some of the industry best models and show producers. It was an honor working on this time of skilled and professional stylist.

One day while walking around Time Square, I get an email from celebrity hair stylist Mann Nance-Morgan to come assist on a shoot with singer Cara Quici. This was an awesome experience to work with heavy hitters such as celebrity MUA Victor Amos and celebrity wardrobe stylist Shannon (known for her styling of Alicia Keys). I learned a thousand tricks of the trade and was honored to be assisting such a highly skilled team.

So I am now down to my last 5 days of vacation before I return to the salon setting as the new team member of The O…Experience NYC Salon, located in Brooklyn in the Crown Heights area. This is going to be life changing!!!! I will keep you guys posted on the progress of it all.

Love you all, mean it!!!